Sunday, March 10, 2013

"Choose a job you love...

... and you will never have to work a day in your life." That quote from Confucius embodies the American dream. We all want to be able to work, to earn money, and not hate ourselves and our lives. And having just recently gotten a job, I'm desperately hoping for this.

But sometimes, I wonder. Couldn't I just sit by the edge of the road, begging for money too? Sure, I wouldn't have a house, but I'm such an adorable little girl, wouldn't people just throw money at me? It wouldn't be that bad of a life. I could work on my tan, just sit around all day, and still make a living.

"Don't beggars make very little money, and that's why they have to beg?" you ask. Oh, silly, silly children. Living in my wonderful small-to-mid-sized city, we don't actually have real beggars. Believe me, we have homeless people, but they don't sit on street corners and beg. The people you see sitting on the corners, with their lovely signs telling you "God bless" are probably actually pretty well off. I mean, *cite source*

Think about the people you see sitting on the side of the road, asking for money. They are always holding a sign. It says something, sometimes heartbreaking, like their family is sick or something, Some will say that they've tried to find a job, but can't. Come on.

I'm not saying all people you see asking for money are damn liars, but the ones we most often see, especially in my city, are well off. Many even park their cars a ways away and walk to their corner. And I understand that the economy's bad, and finding a job might be difficult, but it's not that difficult. There are much more efficient ways to spend your time than sitting idly on a corner, waiting for money to be thrown at you. There are plany resources around the city that can help people gain employment. There are government groups along with many non-profit organizations out there whose goal is to help find employment and housing. It's not easy, and it's not always going to work out, but you have to be persistant.

I understand that I'm just a little girl who has never encountered a trouble in her life. But I just aquired a second job. Numero dos, hombre. They were practically handed to me. I went in for an interview, and within a few days, I got the job. I don't have special connections, I promise I didn't bribe anyone. I'm not going to be rolling in the dough, but I work part time. If someone worked full time, which they were also hiring for, they would make a whole lot more than I would. I would consider it safe to assume that someone could sustain themselves with a job like that. Sure, budgets might be tight, but whose aren't these days?

So as much fun as sitting on a corner, begging for money sounds, I think I'll stick to working. I don't think I have any cardboard anyway. 

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