Sunday, January 20, 2013

Music makes the world go 'round

I've already talked once about how the weather can affect your mood. Now, I'd like to talk about how music can have an impact on how you are feeling. 

If you don't know what I'm talking about now, you must be living under a rock, by yourself, in the middle of Antarctica. Because even the Amish would understand what I mean. Music changes your mood. And your mood determines the music you listen to. 

Just think back to a rainy day, when you were driving down the street, alone in your car. You were already in a depressed-ish mood (pst, due to the weather) and now you've got some heartbreak, tear jerker, my-life-is-awful music on. It's not helping to improve your mood, to say, but listening to happy music would make you sick right then. So you crank those tunes and sing your little heart out. 

Then there's the days when you are just ready to rock out. You turn up your loudest, most upbeat rock/pop/country/whateverthehellyoulistento music and you sing loud and dance like an idiot, because right then, you're in the best mood and nothing can bring you down. 

You know what I'm talkin' 'bout. 

And when you're in a mood, you have to have music playing. Silence does nothing for you. And guess what? There's science behind that. That's right. SCIENCE. According to Your Dictionary, music helps to release endorphins that can calm and relax you. Music can also increase serotonin levels which helps to calm your brain itself and in general, make you feel better. There has even been research saying that music can help improve a student's academic performance. Of course, it has to be the right music. No one became more intelligent by listening to Nicki Minaj or Lil Wayne.

My friend, itszappy, has an interesting take on music as well. She talks about how she chooses different music based on how she feels and she also mentions how depending on what she's doing, music will affect her in different ways. Lastly, she just talks about what music is. She talks about how it really is art, and how it does stuff that no other thing can do. 

So remember, the next time you're feeling crappy, or are in a crummy mood, try listening to some music. If you want to concentrate better on your homework, try turning on some classical music. Or if you just want to feel good, pump up the tunes. One way or another, they're going to affect you.

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