Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's raining, it's snowing

I realize I just posted about Iowa weather a little while ago. But I have to do it again.

This morning I got up, looked outside, and saw the ground was wet. That either meant that it had rained, snowed and melted, or there had been fog.

Turns out it was a mix of the three. I really wish at this point that Iowa would just make up it's mind. Is it winter? Spring? Fall? Goodness gracious. Decide already. 

Once it hits December, I believe that it's socially acceptable to begin to snow. It needs to at least snow on or before Christmas, because everyone loves a white Christmas. And when it's this cold, I'd rather have the ground a pretty white (for a while) than it just being wet and gross. 

See, snow can be a wonderful thing. It can be beautiful. It provides for awesome activities, like sledding, skiing, snowboarding, and snowman making. It allows for ammo for those snowball fights we all know you still participate in. 

But snow has to come at just the right time. If it comes too early, we will tire of it quickly, and by February be begging and praying for the sun to shine and melt all the hated snow away. If it comes too late, say after Christmas, it's just depressing because snow is half of what Christmas is about. 

So I ask one thing of you. If you live in Iowa, please perform the annual snow dance ritual. I seriously want snow now.

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