Friday, April 26, 2013

I wish I was Martha Stewart. Or Betty Crocker.

\I wish that most schools still offered home economics classes. Mine doesn't. 

I know it's kinda silly. But I wish that we had that option. 

Iowa State University was established in 1858. In 1872, the first home economic class was taught. Eventually, an entire college of home economics was established. 

They had an entire college dedicated to it. Why is it suddenly not as important to have in schools nowadays?

Home economics isn't just sewing and cooking. It also includes other aspects of running a household. One of the major topics that would benefit us high schoolers most is money management. I will never learn how to do my taxes or balance a checkbook, unless my father teaches me.

Of course there are some classes that still contain home ec. topics. Food and nutrition teaches basics of nutrition and calories and stuff. I think we have some sort of money class. But the thing is that these aren't required, and thus, I have little-to-no time to take these classes. With so many required academics and so much emphasis on AP and core classes, any high-reaching student has no time to take such classes. 

But then you get into a different debate. Whether or not students should have required courses or what those required classes should be. It's difficult because we are still stuck focusing on creating Renaissance men. We want people well-rounded in all topics. And nowadays, that's just not a reasonable thing to ask. 

In many European countries, such as Germany, when children reach a certain age, they are put into schooling programs that are specially designed for their futures. While some might think that takes away their freedom, does it? Sure, it's great that you want to become something when you grow up. But how many people actually achieve that goal? Not that many. So when you're being helped out with achieving a good future, how it that bad?

But really. I wish I knew how to sew. I wish I had been taught the basics, and the not so basics, of cooking. I wish someone would teach me about interior design and the correct methods of home furnishing. I wish I knew the little quirks and secrets to cleaning methods. I wish I knew how to take care of my money besides not spending more than I have. 

On the Wikipedia page for home economics, it says that home ec. "teaches students how to properly run a family environment and make the world a better place for generations to come." That might just be nice wording, but it's nice. "Make the world a better place for generations to come." Who doesn't want that? 


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